I hear my greater calling and I must respond. It is overwhelming. But in a good way.
I feel like the Phoenix, like my smaller self is being burnt into ash in order for my greater self to be born from the ashes.
I realize that it is time to get busy with my greater calling. I rise triumphant as the New Me emerges from the flames of the past.
I avoid trying to ignore the great voice within. It overcomes me. It becomes me. My new me is awakening like the dawn.
I allow my small self to transform into something greater. Something more powerful. Someone who I am surprised to see is the true me.
I accept and receive my new calling!
As I allow this greater Me to be born, I accept the challenge. I take up my new calling. I seize the day. I rise up with newfound strength and courage. I feel like I am on fire with an eternal flame.
Today, I accept that I am greater than I could have ever imagined. I expand into this new powerful phoenix. I spread my wings and fly.
Self-Reflection Questions:
What do I need to let go of in order for my greatest calling to come forth?
How can I release the Small Me, in order for my Greatest Me to show up?
How can I listen deeper to my greatest self?